Last year, for Mother's Day, my pastor invited me to share the Sunday message at church. I'm posting it below, in case anyone is interested in listening. The first part of the message is my story. In the second half, I share 5 Parenting Tips that were on my heart. Hope this message will speak to your heart in a personal way today.
Hello to anyone out there who may have stumbled upon this blog of mine. I’m glad you’re here. Just in case you’re wondering, I’m not one of those bloggers typing with manicured fingernails, cute hair and a latte – actually, picture the exact opposite. At this moment, I’ve got a head of hair that is partially growing back…in patches. And I’m typing from my bed with my broken leg propped up on top of my mismatched bed sheets that probably need to be washed. While I’m trying to design this site in an aesthetically pleasing way – know that the bulletproof journey is not a neat and pretty one. Definitely NOT pretty in pink. But despite the tough days, there is joy. The word joy encompasses so much more than these three little letters would lead you to believe, but when you find it, you realize it’s nothing like what you expected.
My life as of late, has been a bit of a rollercoaster because well, life these days is just like that, right? No matter what the season, it’s seems like we all find ourselves in the midst of days that are busy, chaotic, and filled with highs and lows. In addition to the normal crazy of daily life, in 2017 breast cancer was thrown to the mix for me. This “blog” was started at the beginning of that part of my story. I use the word “blog” in quotes because I feel like that word demands some form of consistent writing and posting. I’ve written a whole lot since 2017, I just haven’t shared much of it here. But now I have found myself in a place where the calling to share has never been more heavy on my heart. You don’t have to look far these days to see someone in pain. Our world is very messy and the struggle is real. I write as a way of processing the struggles that I face and I’ve decided to share it with the hope that someone needing encouragement might find it here. Thanks for reading. |
April 2024
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